“Simplicity is complexity resolved.”

– Constantin Brâncuși, 20th-century artist


The growth of hard-earned wealth often comes with increasing financial complexity. To help resolve it, we at The Vickers Ryan Leitch Group – led by Bryan Vickers, Mark Ryan, and Graham Leitch in London, Ontario – leverage our unique industry credentials, time-tested expertise, and deep care for our clients, creating a plan to simplify your wealth for generations to come.

Who we are

A uniquely skilled team of wealth experts that pride ourselves on the values of honesty, integrity, and trust.

Meet the team

What we do

Determine where you are, discover where you’d like to go, and devise a comprehensive plan to help you get there.

See our approach

Who we serve

We serve a range of professionals, business owners, farmers, and retirees seeking to build wealth and leave a legacy.

Meet our clients

Plan for simplicity


Let our team remove financial complexity and provide true peace of mind.

Contact us